Since 2000, the Turkish fashion world, the power of creative thinking and high quality, combining Kima; to customers who want the best, the best producing superior customer service with luxury clothing and desire, producing high quality products as a world-class brands that shape the Turkish fashion, it is moving towards becoming a leader in the industry. Kima collection, made with quality fabrics and luxury clothing and accessories with remarkable style that inspired the life style of the modern woman to deliver the taste of all customers. Essence, existence and become the family company Kima contribution of Akbas family continues to operate for ten years. Working with the most elite firms in the textile sector Kima, the trends of the day by offering customers the most excellent way, is becoming indispensable Laleli name. Company's customer satisfaction is at the forefront of the basic principles, it fulfills our experienced and friendly staff. For many years without compromising the principle that aims to dominate the Turkish fashion Kima, the same quality, it continues on its way with the best service and permanent understanding.